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A member registered Mar 31, 2021

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Super, merci pour la réponse! 

Bonne soirée également


Les résultats ont-il été envoyés actuellement ? Quelqu'un a reçu un mail de la part d'Intel?

Toujours pas convaincu, réessaie encore...

Oui, mais certainement pas toi, puisque tu as triché ;)

T'es qu'un menteur, grandi un peu. Vu le temps qu'il faut pour faire apparaître un "Hyperthreading +1000", il te faut bien plus que 3h40. On serait plutot dans l'ordre de la journée.

J'espère juste que tes scores seront annulés, comme les autres tentatives notamment celle de TMORE et WABBIJACK

You were complaining about ShootFreez and now you use cheats... How old are you...

Maybe you get all the "Hyperthreading +1000" at the end to have your best score, but then your run will take like an hour... If it is that, congratz...

I still do not understand how you did that with only one save. Normally you want at least to save your first best score and beat that...

OK I did my best score here! Almost perfect, but still don't know how he reaches 250K

I did "almost" a perfect to do #4. It lacks the "Hyperthreading +1000" at the first level... Your 252K are two possibilities

- Cheats

- Very long run at the endgame...

Yes, I know! 

But I don't see how you can do more than 75K with the first two levels... My best tries are actually 46K with first two and then I start the last level with 71/72K pts...

He did the game only two times and achieved 2 times best scores. Interesting

I do the same, each level took me 1mn05sec  and 24000;21000;25000pts. Last level I do not expect much point so I kill the boss as fast as possible. Stuck w/ 230K :'(

Are you from France?

+1, I did "Very good time" 4 times + I killed almost all ships and I can't do more than 226000...